Werkheiser Jewelers is proud and excited to have its very own certified Pearl Expert. We do not just string and knot pearls! We can restring any of your beaded jewelry including jet, coral, jade and more.
If your pearl jewelry seems to have lost its luster, it may just be dirty or have discolored knots. Did you know that pearls are strung with silk, and the silk stringing material absorbs body oil, moisture, and basic grime? Because the silk is so thin, the strands often weaken, get stretched or discolored with the passage of time; thus it is essential to restring your pearls every so often. A person who wears their pearls frequently should ensure that she gets them restrung every year.
Although reknotting and restringing of pearls and beaded jewelry is just one of our many special services that is not all we do. Did your ring lose its pearl? We can repair broken pearl rings! Is your necklace too short and you need matching pearls to lengthen your strand? We can handle it. Broken clasp repair, upgrading clasps or simply switching to an easier to fasten style are all part of the repair work we do. We have combined necklaces and divided necklaces into multiple strands. Do you have a repair job that no other jewelry is willing to touch? Go to where the local jewelers go with their Pearl and Beaded Jewelry problems – Werkheiser Jewelers.
DO wear your Pearls. Pearls are meant to be worn. Leaving pearl jewelry in a security box for long periods of time may cause the pearls to dehydrate.
DO NOT wear your pearls in water or while bathing.
DO NOT allow Pearls to come in contact with cosmetics, hair spray, or perfume
DO NOT use ultrasonic cleanser on your Pearls.
DO NOT leave pearls n direct sunlight or expose them to high temperatures.
DO clean your pearls with a soft cloth.
DO ask our Pearl Expert for advise on the proper maintenance and care of your Pearls.